How To Make Your Coffee Less Acidic? 7 Proven Ways

coffee, brewed coffee, roasted coffee beans

Learn how to make your coffee less acidic with 7 tips like choosing low-acid beans, using cold brew methods, and adding baking soda for a smoother cup.

How To Make Your Coffee Less Acidic? 7 Proven Ways You Must Need to Know

The alarm goes off and you rush into the kitchen to prepare your favorite brew. You pour another mug of coffee to get through one more meeting at the office. You can’t wait to hear your bestie’s news over a cup of aromatic espresso at the local bistro.

What do all these scenes have in common? Coffee? Bingo!

However, despite the flavor, the vitality boost, and the connection it offers, coffee also comes with some acidity. This acidity is what gives a spark to its overall taste, but can also cause digestive discomfort.

So, can you have only the good without the bad? In other words, can you reduce coffee’s acidity, and how?

Here you’ll find seven proven ways to make your coffee less acidic.

What is Coffee Acidity in the First Place?

Acidity is a key flavor characteristic of coffee, and it stems from the combination of acids and sugars it contains. It is determined by its pH level, and typically it ranges from 4.85 to 5.10.

Do all Coffees Have the Same Acidity? No. The acidity levels vary and depend on several factors like the origins of the coffee beans, the color of the roasts, and the preparation process of coffee.

What Acids Determine Acidity in Coffee?

Acids are found in abundance in coffee’s composition. Many of them are found in green coffee beans while others are formed during the roasting process.

Here are the key acids of coffee:

  • Chlorogenic acids
  • Citric acids
  • Malic acids
  • Succinic acids.

These all can be detected in the initial form of green coffee and are generated as the coffee plant grows.

On the other hand, the acids that are freed during the roasting process mainly are:

  • Acetic
  • Lactic
  • Quinic
  • And Glyconic Acids.

Each acid gives a different flavor to the coffee from lemon and citrus notes to apple and vinegar ones. Some of them also add bitterness. Their proportion is what gives each coffee its final unique taste.

So how can you reduce their impact and make your coffee less acidic?

Let’s now dive into these tips.

Making coffee from coffee pot

Image by zirconicusso, Freepik

How to Make Your Coffee Less Acidic?

You can influence the levels of acidity in your coffee in more than one way.

1.   Start with Picking the Right Coffee

Before trying to taper with coffee’s acidity you can simply choose a coffee that is low in acids in the first place. Like opting for darker roasts – that are less acidic – instead of going for lighter ones that thrive in acidity.

You can also choose coffee beans cultivated in lower regions which contrary to varieties grown in higher regions, have less acidity. For instance, search for Robusta and leave aside Arabica coffee.

A good start is also to select brews from places like Brazil or India that also tend to have lower acids.

2.   Switch to Cold Brewing

Another way is to swap to cold brew coffee. This making process is better than the hot one because the lower temperature of the water allows the oils and fats of your grounds to slowly break up and eliminate their acidity. You can leave water in a coffee reservoir for limited time. Please read our article for getting more idea about time needs to leave water in coffee reservoir.

Keep in mind that you can achieve a reduction of your coffee’s acidity up to 70% this way.

3.   Add a Pinch of Baking Soda

But don’t overdo it! Otherwise, you’ll spoil the taste of your favorite beverage.

Yes, baking soda can make your coffee less acidic when added in a tiny dosage.

Due to its high PH level (around 8.5), it can drop the acidity levels of your coffee easily. And since you probably keep some baking soda in your pantry, you can quickly make this flavor transition.

4.   Pour Some Milk or Cream

Another acid reducer is milk and cream. Whether you go for your trusted dairy brand or opt for plant-based milk, these fluids serve as acidity neutralizers.

Add some drops to your taste and you’ll have a less acidic coffee before you can utter coffee, please!  

a cup of coffee in a table with spoon

Image by rawpixel-com, Freepik

5.   Add Eggshells

Not directly into your coffee but into your coffee grounds. And if you find this method a bit weird, you’ll realize that it’s not. Here is why:

Eggshells have a large proportion of calcium within them which neutralizes acids in coffee. So if you are into recycling and making the most of your waste, don’t throw the eggshells.

Instead, wash them well, grind them, and mix them with your coffee grounds. They will absorb acidity and make your beverage less acidic.  

6.   Filter your Coffee with Paper

Paper filters can hinder some coffee oils and fats from passing into your cup, thus resulting in less acidity.

They are more effective than metal filters when it comes to trapping acid elements in their body and not letting them drop into your final beverage.

Opt for paper if you like a drip or pour-over brewing method.

7.   Spare Your Thermos

As already mentioned, hot water intensifies coffee acidity. Carrying your hot brew in a thermos and keeping it there for hours will only prolong the heat resulting in increased acidity in your coffee.

What you can do instead is either drink your hot coffee rather quickly and not let it sink there for long, or simply spare your thermos and use a paper mug.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is coffee acidity bad?

    Coffee acids constitute natural ingredients that stem from the growing of the plant and the roasting methods of the coffee beans. Their presence is responsible for coffee acidity which gives a sparky taste to your sips.

    Coffee acidity it’s not bad, but it can feel a bit heavy on your stomach, especially if you already have any digestive issues.    

    What factors determine acidity in coffee?

    Apart from the origins of the coffee beans (region, climate, variety), other factors that determine the levels of acidity are: the brewing method, the accessories you use (e.g. filters), and what you put into your coffee.

    Choosing smartly your varieties and opting for ways that can reduce acids can make your coffee less acidic.

    Arabica vs Robusta: Which one is more acidic?

    Arabica has a stronger acidity than the Robusta variety. This is because Robusta lucks citric and phosphoric acid thus its taste is milder and smoother. If you experience acid reflux or have a sensitive stomach in general, go for Robusta.

    a woman has a cup in her hand and trying to drink coffee.

    Image by Freepik

    The Bottom Line

    The truth has finally come out! You can still enjoy your coffee without having to experience any chest or stomach discomfort caused by its acidity.

    There are at least seven proven ways listed above that can make your coffee less acidic. Surely you can find the one that suits you best. Whether it’s opting for milder varieties, switching to a cold brewing method, or adding a pinch of baking soda in it.

    So, start experimenting with these tips, until you find the perfect cup that’s smooth, rich, and gentle on your palate and stomach.

    Coffee, please?

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